Recently, Garena just reached 10 million registered users. A staggering number. Who would have thought that the GG-C would have risen to such heights. But is it enough to beat the old-timer at its own game? Let's see...
- An excellent client for playing games with players from other countries. (I get better pings from Singapore players than my own country's server. Amazing isn't it?). on the other hand lags a lot if you're playing with other countries. Inter-continental games are not uncommon.
- No more -em games. Period.
- Lags less.
- With its new ladder system, games are a lot more fun in Garena now. Especially when there are high level players (MYM and SK to name a few) playing in clan rooms.
- GG-TV which allows users to watch live matches.
- It has a 'level-up your char' feeling like in MMO games.
- Easy to make friends. Friends are your biggest asset if you want to play any game online.
In the end, I'd say Garena wins hands down.
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