Puck vs. QoP comparison  

Posted by Feynor

I wrote the actual post before, and it was twice as good and twice as long (well, not really), but because of Blogger's mistake, I had to suffer. The scheduled maintenance was on the 25th, but they postponed it to 26th without updating the notice. Anyway, here's the post. I've probably missed out a few lines, since I've had to retype the whole thing again without any backup.

One of the most hotly debated hero choices, we've seen this topic sprouting up on discussion forums dozens of times. Yep, we're talking about Puck and QoP. Both of them play similar roles in a team. Both of them are top league heroes. Both of them are my personal favourites. Here are just a few points I can make on this topic.

First, Puck.
Puck is an overall fantastic hero, with an awesome skillset and excellent spell synergy. He works as an initiator, which is a rare trait for an Intelligence hero. He can lane well with most heroes and functions well both solo and in a dual lane. His AoE is HUGE because of his blink-like Illusory Orb (both an initiation tool and an escape mechanism in one neat spell) and Dream Coil. Puck is noticeably stronger than QoP early-game, and by level 7 his combo is already devastating. His skills are also easy on his mana pool so he doesn't have mana problems like the QoP does.

His trademark initiation combo viz. the Orb + Rift + Dream Coil combo, is gamebreaking; and coupled with the silence, is considered one of the deadliest combos in the game, which explains why he's banned in almost all competitive games. Phase Shift, is one the best skills in the game in proper hands. Puck can dominate with just a few items at his disposal. The recent July 2008 PDL list by MYM Ruven shows that Puck is the most banned hero. He works wonderfully well with most other league heroes and requires a fair bit of cooperation from the team.

Basically, Puck's main role is to initiate, do as much damage as possible with his combo, and then Phase Shift. Your allies then follow up. Enemies can either decide to wait for you to come out of Phase Shift, or they can move to attack your allies (which they probably will do, because any time wasted here gives your team the upperhand in the combat situation). Nevertheless, your job is done and you can rest in peace. If you do survive, you can easily single out low-HP heroes and finish them off. In one line, Puck is a powerful AoE early game initiator and ganker, and can offer tons of support late game.

Agreed both QoP and Puck have similar roles, but in some ways, QoP is better. Here are a few instances:

1) Puck does not have the adaptability that QoP does. He's an initiator/ganker, but that's the only thing (of course, he's excellent at this.)

2) Bad attack animation compared to QoP's, but can be overcome with enough practice.

3) Gets weaker during late-game, where his spells barely scathe enemies.

4) As an escape mechanism, the Illusory Orb + Phase Shift + Ethereal Jaunt is not as effective as QoP's low CD blink.

5) Banned in competitive games almost always.

Next, the QoP.

The Queen of Pain is, in other words, the Queen of Unmatched Mobility. She was a notorious league pick during the 6.48 days and was always banned. The game progressed, new updates came along and IceFrog decided to nerf her. This made an impact, but a good one in fact. She moved from the list of ALWAYS BANNED heroes to PICKED heroes. Players started to think of new ways to bring her back to the glory days, and have been quite successful with the carry QoP.

What sets her apart from Puck is her mobility, versatality and adaptability. She can take on any role the team throws at her. Want a carry? QoP's there for you. Want a nuker? QoP's there for you. Need support? She's there again. She can chase indefinitely and can also serve as bait, which is priceless. Her best ability is to quickly sneak up behind enemies and slowly, but surely, remove their HP with SoP. And when the battle is almost over with just a few survivors left, she can kill all of them with the SoP + SW combo. Blink is THE best skill in the game. Period.

As a theorycrafter, I'd say that all the enemy's have a blind spot (region near your enemy where they can see, but can't notice because of the intensity of the current team battle). QoP can easily get into their blind spots.

She has one of the best attack animations in the game and can easily get last hits. She can turn the tide of the battle with her massive AoE damage, and turn the hunters into the hunted. A potential gank can be countered if you successfully get off your SoP + SW, and quite possibly even counter-gank them.

In some situations Puck is better than QoP -

1) Puck has better ganking ability early-mid game.

2) Dream Coil is much better than QoP's Sonic Wave because. At level 16, a 600 damage constant AoE nuke cannot compare to Puck's 200 + 200 damage 3.5 second stun. Dream Coil is much better in team battles. It also has a lower cooldown and mana cost.

3) When playing QoP, having a bad early game usually means that your whole game is more or less messed up. This is because QoP needs to have a level and gold advantage to be powerful. Puck, on the other hand, can make a relatively quick comeback.

4) Puck is better suited to the current metagame because he's much better than QoP at mass team battles and skirmishes.

5) Puck has marginally better lane control.

6) Is not as mana-intensive as QoP and has a better mana pool.

7) Puck isn't as gold-intensive as QoP and functions well with just a few items.

So this was the basic idea. Here's a simple analogy on who's better.

Early game - Puck
Mid game - Both of them are more or less equal
Late game- QoP

As you can see, it's difficult to give a clear cut answer to this question. But we can say that Puck has a slightly upperhand and is a notch better because of his Silence and better chemistry between allies. Also, Puck has more team presence. Again, it depends on your allies as well, but if you want to compare the two heroes like this, this would be my point of view.

This entry was posted on Thursday, March 26, 2009 at 8:36 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Welcome back then^^

Well done, I agree you.

Do you still play games??
Where you play?



March 28, 2009 at 3:21 AM

Very nice post indeed but I disagree with you at some point. Puck's silence and stun is invaluable even at later stages of the game which QoP can never provide. Moreover, puck can use his spell from a distance while QoP has to enter the 400 AoE radius to cast Scream which is very dangerous for a low hp hero.
If I wanted to have a late game hero with nukes, I would simply opt for Mirana.
If you ask me, I would go for Puck over QoP 9 times out of 10 (maybe 10 out of 10).

March 28, 2009 at 4:26 AM

I disagree with your assumption that QoP and Puck have similar roles.

Puck is like you said an initiator and supporter.

QoP is a ganker and semicarry. QoP can easily farm up a guinsoo at 25 and just gank and if he gets enough kills, can carry with immense lategame dmg potential.

Puck does not have this ability to become a lategame power.

You can't really compare QoP and puck. QoP is not on the same level as he was in previous levels. QoP is never banned nor rarely picked in the last couple of months of competitive play. The only QoP i've seen was kuroky in a game this month. That's the only replay where good teams have used QoP.

On the other hand, Puck is either banned or picked in almost every game.

Puck does not lose efficiency lategame. His silence is imba all game. His phase shift is imba all game. His orb, phase combo is a free blink that can't really stopped and is imba all game. Sure his dmg is mitigated lategame, but who picks puck for his spell dmg? His ministun on his ult is usefull all game. Imo, qop can get shutdown lategame a lot easier than Puck can, which means that Puck is more useful lategame than QoP.

I'm kind of disappointed with your blog. Your posts are so irrelevant to the current DotA scene. Mid solo mag is not used anymore and is really only used in pubs. Qop is not used in competitive play.

Your target market for this blog is somebody who has advanced knowledge of dota and watches competitive replays. This blog does not add anything to that player.

U can possibly make this blog better by analyzing competitive replays of ksint or djooks or making an english shoutcast, which is currently unavailable.

I'm not being negative, i'm just being critical so we can make this blog better. I'll check back later, but because of your poor posts lately ( not in terms of style or organization, but in terms of useful content ) I haven't came back to your blog for a while.

April 5, 2009 at 8:02 PM

i guess you can't compare both coz they have different roles in the game :)

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